• Poor little girl, sees a golden ring,
    A future fulfilled with everything.

    But this man has a plan, that is sure to work,
    She has no idea where his thoughts may lurk.

    Death do us part, and a kiss strikes the deal,
    Her heart isn’t the only thing that he can steal.

    Within a week these lovers are loveless at best,
    It seems like his personality was placed to rest.

    He’s bitter and angry, insulting his “queen,”
    And she doesn’t understand what the change might mean.

    It’s her fault; she cries she doesn’t know what to do,
    He tells her he loves her but it doesn’t sound true.

    She’s poignant, and hopelessly lost in the dark,
    The only time he touches her is to leave his mark.

    Poor little girl, haven’t your parents ever said,
    “To marry a b*****d, you’d be better off dead.”

    She's his property now, the pig has reached his goal.
    This man stole her heart and in the process her soul.

    The story here ends, without telling you more,
    The reader is asking “why did you write this for?”

    Because we all might be a poor little girl at heart,
    Falling in love with a man who wants to tear us apart.

    We fall for such words, whether they are real or make believe,
    These lies are so sweet, we can't see we become naive.

    Her story may end, but yours is only new.
    Make sure you fall for someone who has fallen for you.