If thou shalt ever cry, I shall wrap thee in my arms, press my lips against thy lips, placing my weakened hands on thy hips, and will shelter thee, then feel harmony as we intertwine, for thou art divine, and thy divinity entrances me like a spell, like a story that one must tell, but thy voice draws me towards thee, sweet serenity, like a tune...no...a symphony, calming me,
If thou shalt ever hurt, I shall gaze into thy eyes and tell thee that I will rid thee of thy pain, I shall wash it away from the world, as if I were rain.
I shall hand thee our earth, and a smile, as we enter a warm embrace I shall whisper "the universe is thine forever as for long as thou art mine".
- by Angeal_Elite |
- Poetry And Lyrics
- | Submitted on 04/07/2011 |
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- Title: Symohony of..
- Artist: Angeal_Elite
- Description: something i did quick
- Date: 04/07/2011
- Tags: symohony
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