• I sit in the shadows and scream
    But it's only a whisper
    I'm in pain and try to end my life
    But you are happy and live your life
    But you are happy and laughing
    I sit there watching you while I'm in pain
    I scream no one answers
    You hear my screams as whispers,
    You turn and look but see no one

    I watch you live a happy life with no problems
    I sit screaming trying to end the pain and ask "why me, why ME!!!"
    you die happily married
    I still live but why l, why do I live and you die
    There's no answer to why I live and you die
    I want to end my life to get away from the pain
    But it doesn't get answered, I still live and watch more people have no pain but I get their pain
    It's not fair, why does darkness consume me in pain and misery but no one else