• You scorned me
    Hurt and betrayed
    All I gave was love
    Kindness and faith
    Misery is my friend
    Hate is my tool
    Life I shall take
    From you, you misbegotten fool
    I throw you to the wind
    Hoping you land in mud
    A slow painful death
    Is a blessing I cannot provide
    That which I give
    Makes hell a short ride
    So come now dear traveler
    See the one who hurt me
    Watch as they glow with fire
    And as skin melts away
    The burning flesh so comforting
    My mind sets at ease
    For I now will consume
    Devour and gormandize
    Alas your soul I cannot touch
    Until hells reprise
    Then I shall come for you
    Eternity's a long ride