• I'm not who you think I am....
    I'm different from others....
    do you really think u know me...
    I want to be someone...
    no a girl who can be herself...
    and not be embarrassed......
    I want to wear clothes that are cute ...
    and not be strange.....
    I want to be shy around boys....
    but still be liked...
    I don't want boys to want me for my body...
    but for my mind...
    I don't want to be the one to start a fight....
    but the one to break it up....
    I want little kids to look up to me....
    because I'm sweet and caring....
    not because I'm "cool"
    I don't want to be anyone else....
    but me....
    but this is the real world...
    and in the real world you cant be yourself...
    you have to be what society....
    wants you to be.....
    not a sweet, shy, caring girl....
    but one who can fit in because of how she ACTS.....
    I want to be....
    who my shadow is....
    hidden behind the fake me.....
    I'm not who u think I am....
    I'm different from others....
    you think you know me....
    you don't...