• In the evenings when I walk up that long drive way, I feel the emptiness of knowing your not here. I miss seeing you car here, and I miss how in the mornings you would stand on the front pourch waiting for me to get on the bus. I miss how you would drive the car at the end of the driveway in the winter to where I wouln't get cold. Now everyday when I enter this empty, lonely house, I am filled with the memories of you sitting in your chair and asking me how was my day. Now that your gone, everything is different. I know we fought, but what father and daughter doesn't? I need you more than ever now. I wish you was here to watch me walk across stage at graduation. I wish you was here to give me away at my wedding. I wish you could have been the one to met my boyfriend...you would have liked him...he is so much like you daddy. Yes...you two would have gotten along pefectly... I just wish I could have told you goodbye one last time. I wish I could have told you I loved you. I would give anything just to go back in time and tell you that. I would do anything just to have you here with me...But I guess you know I love you...I always do and will. I bet you are having fun fishing in that crystal sea in heaven. Is there some big fish up there daddy? One day you will get to tell me and show me, but for now I guess I will just have to wait til I get to see that smile of yours and hear your voice and laugh. I will jus have to wait to have your ars around me... I love you daddy...