• Through the forest we sailed, and all was well.
    We decided to go through the Badlands, that's when all went to hell.
    Louis ran out of pills, and died on a sandy hill.
    Tom Fulp was beaten, by the the hot winds, to a pulp.
    Cpt. Falcon had fallen to voices in his head that were callin'.
    But Taco had lived to see another day.

    As luck should have it, we seized a bounty of food, and ammo to boot.
    We went through the ocean, got more supplies, that's when we turned our eyes to the north(ish).
    We choose to cruise Mt. Boom, where we surely met our doom.
    When we crossed half of it, we learned a little bit of news that Taco had become a zombie.
    I listened to what Sam had to say, and laughed all day, and went to bed that night, that's when-

    Oh god...Taco? Sam? W-wait what are you...no...no, no, NO!!!! OH GO- AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    (insert blood on this paper-... with your own if you wish.)

    Copyrighted by Taco Gunz.
