• I wake up every morning,
    Wondering what you are doing,
    It is what gets me going,
    I find your sweet smile,
    I find your warm hug,
    Your sweet passionate kiss,
    Is what keeps me going.

    I love the way you keep holding me,
    It's so meaningful to me,
    It tells me that your love,
    For me is strong,
    And the way I hug you,
    Means that I understand,
    But always my love for you,
    Will be unexpressed,
    Well because,
    It's to be to be expressed at all.

    I want to hold you forever in my arms,
    I want your arms around me,
    I want to keep you protected,
    You mean everything to me,
    It's how how the Earth needs the Sun,
    It's inseprable,
    No matter how hard they try,
    I wont be away from you.

    This love is the meaning,
    The meaning of my life,
    I love you more then I love myself,
    I've waited for just the perfect one,
    And you came,
    Your the one,
    I love you.