• Love.

    It's the bittersweet taste of a smirk on my lips as you fall.

    Just as I fell for your smile, your words, words I believed were mine alone.

    It's the boxed up photographs, the songs I can't bring myself to listen to that remind me of you.

    It's the crazy things you do to make me laugh.

    It's waiting up all night for a "happy birthday" that never comes.

    It's the way your arm curls around my shoulder at a football game.

    It's the words that I'm too afraid to say to you, the ones that make me wish you could just read my mind.

    It's the tears that threaten to fall at night.

    It's the dance you'll never ask me to.

    It's the way your sweater smells of musk and wear.

    It's the lyrics I write for you that never get sung.

    It's how the sun always shines brighter when you're here.

    It's staying up into the early morning hours talking to you until my eyes start to close on their own.

    It's wondering where you are when you're not next to me.

    It's the smile I force every day so no one guesses.

    It's memorizing the shape of your hand, the texture of your skin.

    It's the things about you that I pretend don't bother me.

    And it's the bits and pieces of you that you wouldn't understand why I keep.