• Pain.
    It Shapes us,
    Controls some
    It's like water
    It Pools in us
    An Ocean here, A pond there
    Not all are Natural
    Some are bound, By masks
    Others flow freely, From our eyes
    And our movement
    A stream from an Ocean? no
    A massive River from a puddle? no
    By every man, his input, His output
    When we started, it was innocent
    Evil causes pain to pool, The more evil,
    The bigger the pool
    Rarely, Some people are dry
    They don't allow it to come in, to fill them
    They have already been flooded, Before,
    They built a Damn, Strong, Resistant.
    others appear to have a Damn, but only wear a mask
    Behind these masks, Hold the biggest Ocean of all
    People need to release, To change this pain,
    Use it to better yourself, Grow from it, Let it go