• This pain is mine
    Your pain is bad, I'm sure
    But don't say you understand
    This pain is no one's but mine

    This joy belongs to me
    You can't know how I feel
    I'm sure you are happy
    But these feelings are mine

    You don't know who I am
    You don't share my experiences
    You can't know what I do
    You are not me

    Don't act like you know
    Don't pretend you care
    Maybe you want to
    But you don't understand

    You can't know me
    If I tried to tell you for a year
    Don't say you identify with me
    Only I can do that

    I'm not a girl in a story
    Books can't tell my life
    I'm a person, no one has my soul
    I identify with no one but me

    You can't care more than I do
    You aren't supposed to understand
    When I cry, you don't know why
    I laugh for no reason but mine

    I'm not saying you're stupid
    Or belittling your spirit
    But what's important to you, is to you
    What's important to me, only me

    So please don't say you understand
    Don't tell me that you care
    I am unique and different
    I will not conform