Here i am, send me, send me so i won't have to take this pain anymore, send me so i can be free, send me. i want to forget this life, send me.
You put me here for a reason, but i cant seem t follow the path you cleared for me, because that path doesn't seem real to me.
Send me away, cast me dow, down to the darkest of depths, away from this world that hurts me so, away.
I tried i really did, i tried to follow you, but you walked too quickly and i became lost. i call for you and i hear you, but I can't see you so how am i supposed to come to you.
When i have fallen you have picked me up, when i have cried you wipped away the tears trickling down my cheaks, when i was doubtful you reasured me, but why don't you do that now?
You have healed me over and over, you have loved me forever, you have always cared for me, you have forgiven me many times and still do. How long can this go on.
Oh Lord, what have i done to you, to myself, how can i ever be forgiven now? how i have broken promises, how i have lied to you and turned away from your loving arms. It seems whenever I come back to you i always push away afterwards.
How long can this go on?
When will you let me see......the new path that you have made for me? the path that will lead to what i will do in the future, the path that will make the prophecy come true.
When will i know and how will i know what that path is when there are so many? should i just listen to me haert? or should i just listen for you?
I don't know how long i can wait, please make me patient.
I hate this, i hate this feeling.
I hate it when i know nothing, but you know what it is.
When i try to figure out it hurts my head, when i guess people say it isn't true, so how will i know that its you?
will i always have to speak in tongues to you? to have me know that you are there?............................................................
I think, I really think............................
Lord, i'm sorry for ever doubting you, for ever questioning you, for breaking my promises,for trying to push you so i will know, for everything that i have done wrong.
Will you forgive me?
Harmony Rosaline
a wave of emotion made me write/type this.
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