THE WiNnER tAKes aLL Its the thrill FOR OnE MOr kIlL....THe lasT OnE to FAll WilL NEvr saCrFIce tHeiR WilL! dOnT EVEr look BAcK ON ThE wORLD closing IN Be on THe aTtack witH Ur WiNGs oN THe wInd...OH The gAMEs wIll BegIN.......ITS SWEET sweET VIctorY. ItS OUrs 4 da TAkINg iTS oUrs 4 DA FiGHt! U DOnt wiN SILVr oNLy losE GOLd. uPUSH WIT A FeVR 4 UR tiME keeps TOLLING ON against aLL da oddS Against aLl ur PAin ur bakS On da with no 1 blaME WILD HEARTS Wont Be taMed!!!! ROgUE STYLE BIACHEZ
- by XxRandomX3xX |
- Poetry And Lyrics
- | Submitted on 04/18/2010 |
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- Title: Rouge Assasin's
- Artist: XxRandomX3xX
- Description: This is the description of the clan I made.
- Date: 04/18/2010
- Tags: rouge assasins
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