• Sometimes, you hurt me

    Sometimes I wish I didn't like you

    You hold my hand when i'm crying

    and hug me tightly when i Stop

    Your my best friend, but sometimes you don't know me very well

    It really hurts when you can't see me

    It hurts even more when you choose not to see me

    You look at me with those eyes and ask me with surprise

    whats on my mind, I tell you nothing but my hearts screaming you

    you leave it at that or i make something up

    It hurts my heart when i can't see you, or be with you

    I wish I could tell you, i truly do, just how much you mean to me

    But you never talk to me anymore, you don't hang out

    and if we hangout, you don't look at me the same way

    Sometimes i wish i were back in time, just so i could be your friend again.