• The sun peaks over the horizon A light shade of violet streaks the sky
    Connecting the shadows of towering trees
    Creating lines on the pavement to which light is absent
    Lines of nothing but black
    The black converts to light
    The sun has risen

    The sun reflects itself within your eyes
    A gleam of beauty breaking through your lies
    I see it now The truth
    I can see you are real
    As am I
    The sun has risen

    The sun disappears with the passing of day
    Leaving this place behind
    The beauty fades to nothing
    Shadows taking over
    I can hear the sorrowful howl
    A loss of light
    The sun has fallen

    Your truth has gone with the light
    Darkness covers your face
    The gleam is gone
    I can see you are a lie
    Now that the life has gone
    I am done
    The sun has fallen