• some1 once told me
    All Girls
    are like apples
    on trees. The best one
    are at the top of the tree
    The boys, don't want to reach
    for the good ones because they
    are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
    Instead, they just get the rotten apples
    from the ground that aren't as good,
    but easy. So the apples at the top think
    something is wrong with them, when in
    reality, they're amazing. They just
    have to wait for the right boy to
    come along, the one who's
    brave enough to
    climb all
    the way
    to the top
    of the tree

    ..Well i was that boy who was brave enough to climb that tree, when saw her face i knew she was the girl for me i was love struck simmten too i love u girl and thats tru .......now our loves torn apart were far from each other and i'm bleeding through my heart cause, i love u once i love u still i always have and always will. This broken love is like an arrow to me it splinters my soul and shatters my knees plzs take away my hurting,take away my pain, take away how ur names ingraveed in my brain cause i love u girl cause ur sweeter then pie u are the apple of my eye. crying