• I dreamed of darkness
    I dreamed of fire
    I dreamed of you
    You ******** liar
    I dreamed of roses
    I dreamed of ashes
    I dreamed of you
    Kissing my lashes
    I remember mint
    I remember sweet musk
    I remember my integrity
    Doused in diesel
    I tasted tears
    I tasted fears
    I tasted bitter
    Blood on my lips
    I felt your warmth
    I felt your kiss
    I felt your hands
    Wrapped around mt throat
    Choking me
    Taking my life
    Your eyes cloudy
    Far-off and demented
    I struggle
    I beat you
    I plead you
    "Wake up, Wake up!!"
    I scream inside
    You're a statue
    An angel of stone
    Your broken promises
    You manipulator
    You obsessive control freak
    You robbed me of my innocence
    You smashed my own self-confidence
    You sucked my love and passion dry
    You stabbed the heart
    And watched it die
    You killed me Fernando
    You left me lifeless
    You left me sleeping
    In forever darkness....