• I didn't know what love was..
    When I thought I did.
    But when push came to shove
    I was just a kid

    And when I got my heart broken
    I always reacted the same
    I just cried my eyes out
    And let the pain go away

    What I thought was love
    It was was just an act
    And when I went through another guy
    That same pain came back

    Then came the day that I met you
    You helped me through the tears
    I knew that you were different
    And we were friends for years

    I liked it this way
    It was nice and fun
    but when it came to dating
    I only thought of one


    I didn't want it to be like all the other times
    Because You were my Best friend
    And thats what you would be...
    until the very end

    then came the day I thought was time
    And you liked the idea too
    I remember that you took my hand
    And whispered

    I Love You