• Withered I's

    What is this,
    This place that i now venture?
    Why am i here?
    Oh how, oh how i can't remember.
    When will i break free from all this wander?
    Where did reality set off and plunder?

    Remembering the days of old,
    The harsh memories,
    My most treasured moments,
    And twisted thoughts.

    Eyes seem to blur,
    My mouth is dry,
    Ears are ringing,
    Why does the floor shake?
    What is that smell?
    Who are you?

    Can you not hear me?
    You are so close.
    I can not reach you,
    Are you but a dream?

    HEY, i say to you,
    Hey, are you still there?

    Tell me,
    Tell me,
    TELL ME,

    Struggling to find the answers,
    Resisting the urge to give up.
    I will not abandon you,
    I cannot quit on myself.
    I'll fight, I'll fight.

    Why am i fighting,
    What am i doing,
    Where am i going,
    What is this light,
    that tugs and torments.
    I must surrender.
    I must repent.

    Run, RUN free,
    With the hooves of freedom.
    Swift as the cheetah,
    With the vision of hawks.
    As sly as the fox,
    As cunning as the cat.
    Bear heart,
    Bare mind,
    Grasp soul.

    be free,
    slip away,

    away into nothing

    -Aundre' Read