• First click the name and type it in
    Then password now the fun begins

    First thing I check is always mail
    With my thought bubble I can tell

    My friends online at bottom right
    If there's just one it's pure delight

    My messages you will find there
    But a zero stamped will always stare

    On to my guild to check my book
    Guess what?! No one's stopped to look -__-

    I blow some steam at marketplace
    It's a treasure-trove of boundless grace

    It's off to games to win the lotto
    "Try try again" has been my motto

    And then to see my forum posts
    All of the ones I've joined or host

    The arenas are next for my day
    I read all what my comments say

    Angry again, back to the stores
    Items for my avatar are there galore

    Simmered down I go to town
    Where all my friends are getting down

    I hit a rock, maybe shake some trees
    This earning stuff is a real breeze!

    But then my gaia starts to shake
    Oh no, I forgot! It's winter break!

    Let me get some warmer clothes for you
    There you go, good as new

    I sport my Christmas cap and coat
    Check out my house, I've got a boat!

    Yeah, not as cool as the first time
    I exit out, back to square nine...

    Oh snap! My fish they need some food
    They start to glow. Yes! Booty Mood!!

    I get some gold, (it's still easy)
    The game is getting kinda cheesy =P

    Check the manga, new one's here!
    This twist i've never seen coming; not in a hundred years

    My gaia day is almost through
    Only one more thing to do

    Find my friends, click add comment
    Copy and paste all my spam on it!

    My time is done, I've been fulfilled
    And when I stop, my keyboard's thrilled

    Until I stop to wipe my palms