• I told you that I loved you,
    and responded the same way.
    I was filled with joy, I was so happy I thought I wasnt me.
    But I can't help but revert to my normal being.
    I love you with all my soul but i feel my arm is in my chest.
    I'm screaming from this seering pain but I enjoy it.
    The blood runs down my elbow and stains my shirt.
    The tears run from my eyes like rain from a cloud.
    I can see you in my mind, your skipping down a hall.
    I yell at the top of my lungs,
    "I'm ready!!!"
    I pull my heart out of my chest and hold it in both hands,
    "For you my love."
    I smile at you and cough up more blood.
    I fall to the floor and ask,
    "....are you ready as well"