• Love is said to be a beautiful thing.

    You see "The One" and your heart loudly rings

    With the profound truth of love at first sight.

    Your breathing increases, your senses take flight.

    But is this love true? Some would disagree.

    Using your eyes and not your soul to see

    This man in front of you, but not his mind.

    Using your eyes you surely can not find

    his thoughts, his strengths, his weaknesses too.

    You can see his face but not on through to

    The things that should really matter to you.

    All you can see is him seeing you.

    And is that enough to call honest love?

    Is that enough to be able to shove

    The negatives away from your own review?

    Because his appearance is shocking you?

    Because you're being dazzled by eyes of blue?

    Is that enough to stop your review?

    No. Love is a creature, do not forget.

    If you raise it too fast you will regret

    The love being short, as it withers and dies,

    For you started its life premature. Cry

    For the loss of volume in your heart

    As the ringing stops as soon as it starts.

    The bells discontinue and fall apart.

    The love is gone so your lover departs.

    What to do, now that your love has left you?

    You sit and moan, the pain is great, you stew

    In the emptiness, the void, that you hide from view.

    You wish vengenfully in your heart that he hurts too.

    But do not fret and give up on sweet love.

    That love may not return; like a freed dove

    That will fly to the horizon of its choice

    And not return to the sound of your voice.

    New love will begin, open up your eyes.

    See into the soul for it cannot lie.

    Start the love slowly, like planting a seed.

    Care for it and realize that love is a need.

    Prune it carefully. Time will make it grow.

    It will do so and be pure, white as snow.

    Tend to it and remain in control,

    Until it consumes you. Swallows you whole.
