A cold lifeless husk
Reaching out from the grave
Teeth gnashing in the dirt
Blood and brains it craves
Come join your brethren
A teeming mass of decay
We'll break in glass and doors
And together we can slay
Instinctual and hungry
Seeming blind but seeing all
Grabbing out with bloody hands
They'll walk after you or crawl
Roaming countrysides and streets
Searching for sweet human flesh
Blood organs, skin, sweet muscle
It's all good as long as it's fresh
I can smell the pumping blood
A man alive is close to me
The stench of sweat and fear
Licking my lips expectantly
Sneaking and silent I approach
No breath to reveal my presence
His breathing, heavy and ragged
Trying to find us with every sense
My eyes spark with raging hunger
A lunge of muscle, snapping jaws
An explosion of blood in my mouth
as he screams about God's laws.
My jaws clench on the flesh
Tearing as I rip my head back
The man lays in pooling blood
To me he's only a delicious snack
Others enlightened to the meal
Rushing to me with hungry zeal
I crouch in and tear with my hands
Blood splashing across me as I kneel
My hand catches on his ribcage
I coil my fingers and yank hard
Bone splinters and rips apart
Baring the feast that was barred
My fingers twitch in want
blood soaks the cavity as I stare
I sink my hands into the blood
I'm greedy, don't want to share
I coil my hand around the heart
Pure muscle still pumps against my hand
I tear it viciously blood splatters
I take a bite, the taste is grand
I devour the organ ravenously
Others begin to arrive at the feast
Tearing into the arms and legs
And by now he's far deceased
Some are bare, others barely clothed
Blood is spread as meat is torn
Tearing into the abdomen
Bowels ripped out as flesh is shorn
I grab the man's hair with bloody hands
Staring into his eyes so dead
I grip tighter, licking my lips again
Hitting the ground with his head
Crack after sickening crack
The skull splits with a final thud
tearing the head to the side
brains leaking with more blood
My hands are like shovels
Scooping the matter in
Groaning out in enjoyment
My lips pulled into a bloody grin
My belly's full, satiated to a whole
I pull away from the bloody mess
Another zombie taking my spot
Moving away, never eating to excess
Unlife of a Zombie
Master Drakontis
A lifeless corpse comes from the ground and finds a victim. I'm unsure if this counts as too graphic or not. If it is, I won't throw a fit if it's taken off.
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