• Spike Boy was an unusual child,
    no, he didn't have mange, cooties or was wild,
    But this will come to you as a strike:
    Head to toe he was covered in spikes.

    Spike Boy with his odd condition,
    had a very strange addiction,
    and here it is, my conviction:
    Spike Boy would hug everyone he would see.

    In his home, the air was filled with shouts and a wail,
    Because Spike Boy had hugged his aunt Abigale,
    and though he was her special nephew,
    Aunt Abigale stormed out quickly because of his issue.

    Spike Boy had never understood,
    that though love and hugging was always good,
    That he should keep his hugs to his domain,
    For hugging others caused them bleeding and pain.

    Poor Spike Boy just couldn't contain
    His need to hug, so out into the rain,
    He rain out in a fit of anger
    to hug an unsuspecting stranger

    She was warm and happy, her hair in a tug,
    Spike Boy surprised her with the tightest hug,
    and to his own happy surprise,
    No tears were falling from her eyes

    Her name was Hole Girl,
    and she lived up to her name,
    Spike Boy's spikes did her no pain,
    With her hug grew love, but not shame.

    They were the happiest couple,
    With her holes and his spikes,
    and their loves and their likes,
    and Hole Girl could finally feel full,
    and Spike Boy's spikes would never grow dull.