Poetry And Lyrics
| Submitted on 10/31/2009 |
From high up on the mountain
There comes an unholy yell
The Huntsman rides again tonight
To drag lost souls to hell
Death walks at his stirrup
He rides a loathsome steed
His every word and edict
Even the chaste must heed
Charging through the country
As unclean blood is spilled
He vanishes at morning’s light
His grisly work fulfilled
But midnight is his kingdom
And darkness is his friend
Although he leaves the land by day
With the moon he'll rise again
His victims then are many
That to his sword will bow
All those who cringe and cower
At his wild howl
Be they proud or wicked
Be they foolish or strong
No mortal stands the slightest chance
Against the Fallen's song
False men in quest of power
None wise to what they've done
Will perish in the dark this night
No more to see the sun.
The soul accused of murder
Or violence with the knife
Will settle with his victims now
By laying down his life
Not just these but others
Those who evil court
The Hunter comes for each and all
In the name of sport
So as the dusk gloom deepens
And the Demon his prey pursues
You must ask the dreadful question -
Does the Huntsman ride for you?
The Huntsman
After months of procrastination and general laziness, I decided to submit this one as well.
I'm not so sure I like it much, but there's no point in letting it sit around, I suppose.
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