• The shy fragile girl
    Had fallen deep in love
    With a beautiful boy
    Sent from up above

    He was popular and sweet
    And oblivious, she had thought
    But those negative little dreams
    True, they were not

    After many weeks, of loving him from afar
    With no spoken words between them
    She began to fall apart

    The girl grabbed a knife
    As she sat at home alone
    With slivers of sharp silver
    Her silent love she atoned

    But what our shy fragile girl did not know
    Was that the one she was in love with
    Was a fragile little boy

    After many weeks of loving her from afar
    With no sight of her
    He began to fall apart

    The boy grabbed a gun
    From daddy's bedside drawer
    With a click of the safety
    He joined the one he adored