The hate that lies inside your heart
For men who caused this river to flow
This river to flow, right through your land
Made of Blood
The blood that's your very own
Guns that rage the war of hate
Men that crashed right through the gates
Taking all your freedom and choice
You have to do something before it's too late
As gunshots shatter the night
The river grows deeper
Ever flowing with might
A ship sailing down this river of blood
In all it's splendid glory it waits
It preys on the young, the weak, the old
And leaves waves of death
Which drown the rest untold
Bombs that drop from the heavens above
Just add to this river of blood
It's thirst is never quenched
Death is everywhere
Leaving it's mark
And what can you do?
But stand in the dark
It's not like you have,
anyone left
The river has swallowed them
Leaving nothing but hate
Hate is the only thing you have left,
Hate is what started this war in the first place,
Hate is the only emotion that matters.
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