• Death...Death comes upon us so unnoticeably. It sweeps through our hearts

    just like it sweeps through the trees and the streets. Fall the season of death.

    When leaves die, and all green leaves us. It dies. And if you would pay more

    close attention you would see, that the trees, they die grand they make it a

    celebration! As the fragile leaves fall from there place on the branch they do a

    final dance as there brothers and sisters follow them . The sun is dimmed, for

    it is saddened to see death upon earth once again. The sky cries, with the sun

    as it sees the glorious flowers suddenly disappear into the dirt. Death is

    beautiful. We may not relies it at first, but when you would see it over and

    over again you would see that everything that dies it gives its final dance, as

    a goodbye. This is the gift of departure. The gift of saying goodbye. The red

    and green leaves synchronize in their movements and dance. The wind giving

    them more soul to carry on the dance through the streets and the woods. Fall.

    It is called that because the leaves fall from their places, because the tears of

    the big blue skies drops upon us. No one sees this though. They rush by to

    their destinations, and don’t relies that we are growing and soon our time

    shall come as well. Someday. No one cries with the earth. No one smiles

    saddened by the thought that it is fall, that death has come to visit us once

    again. People worry about dying and being visited by death when they don’t

    even relies they already have been visited, in fact they have been visited

    every year. But none relies that. None. I ofcourse don’t blame them, they are

    to busy to even notice there own lives ticking away like and old grandfather

    clock. My life is also ticking away and I sit by and watch each grain fall from my

    hour glass. Just like I watch the leaves fall from trees. As you walk you hear

    the slight crunch of the burned leaves. You look down and behold, you are

    walking on the carpet of those beautiful golden colors. The colors of death.

    You may think that the color to death is black but you are wrong. For death is

    grand. Yes it is sad, but its only a way of life. Our way of life. Looking up at the

    rumbling gray skies, you notice that it carries a tinge of blue. Blue like the

    small droplets that are dropped down from the great sky. Fall. It somehow

    makes me feel calm. I feel like I have found myself, that I have found my

    immortality. It makes me feel happy inside. When the sun sets, the colors

    blend together, and make up a beautiful golden pink hinge of colors. The

    clouds slowly stroll away. The suns rays fall on the trees and they reflect the

    light like a golden mirror. Fall. when everything leaves us. And makes us relies

    of how much grateful we should be for spring to bring back life in our lives. To

    put a smile on our faces the one that makes us feel eager and achieved. But

    for now we are left with death. I wondered if there is a civilization somewhere

    out there which only contains fall. what would it be like to see it everyday, to

    live through each different moment each day. To experience death every day.

    Are they not afraid of departure? Are they not afraid of death? How wonderful

    would it be to live in a world so care free. How wonderful would it feel to walk

    upon the paths and smile, saying it is all right. I dream of that world everyday.

    The world of happiness. The world of love. Is there such a world? I may not

    know. But maybe in the future I may know. Who knows but only God. Fall, oh

    how I shall miss you. I will wait this whole year to see you again. Just please

    come back to see me one more time. So that I may be reassured that you

    shall visit me many moons in the future. Fall, oh how I love you so.