• here i sit
    writing some stupid poem
    expecting the pain
    to just fly away
    and here you walk
    just walk right by me
    like im not even there
    i see you with your friends
    laughing and teasing
    i stand there and wait
    for you to come
    and comfort me
    to tell me your sorry
    for just walking by
    for standing me up
    and telling me goodbye
    there i stand
    waiting for you
    thoughts running through my head
    i case after you
    hoping for everything to be ok
    not wanting to believe this is happening
    you tell me to go
    that you dont know me
    that you never loved me
    and that im not part of your life
    my heart brakes
    into a million pieces
    i give you what you want
    and run away
    tears in my eyes
    while i hear friends blaming you
    while they shout at me to come back
    i crumble to the flour
    at the nearest tree
    out of your sight
    out of your mind
    so here i sit
    writing this stupid poem
    expecting the pain to just fly away
    as you did to me