• The Fireside Inn

    The night draws near and
    the nighttime bird sings. I sit
    near the fireside inn.

    There is a glee in my sea green eyes,
    as I sit at the fireside. The flames are dancing
    And the men are drinking in the pub with there ales.
    As for me you see I still sit at the fireside inn.

    Then all at once they come
    rushing in through that door,
    at the fireside inn.
    They sing their songs and drink more ale
    while they chatter about this and that.

    These are the travelers that come to the fireside inn.
    they will be gone when day comes a dawning,
    and a new set will come to stay.
    On their way through think and thin, at the fireside inn.
    and yet they will always come back at this lovely place known as the fireside inn.