• Why can't I learn?
    All I end up doing,
    Is hurting the ones that I love.
    Every time that I think life's getting better,
    Next thing I know,
    I do or say something that hurts.
    Especially him,
    The one I think about
    Every second of the day.
    But he always tells me
    "It's not your fault",
    Yet I always know it is.
    Then what happens?
    I keep hearing,
    "Are you mad at me?"
    Or, "Are you gonna break up with me now...?"
    My answer to both is always no.
    That has never changed.
    I've always loved him,
    Since day one.
    And I always will love him,
    Regardless of what happens in the future
    I guess that I'll learn one day
    Not to be so selfish