• A Poem Dedicated to My Craft.
    In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
    Blessed Be

    Dance, Wiccans Dance

    Silent forest and blackened night,

    witches wander out of sight.

    Through the forest: quiet and dead,

    into Her domain they are lead.

    The lands of the Silver Queen,

    to see what is mostly unseen.

    For the Moon Goddess, she does care,

    for her children, gathered and bare.

    She feeds them magick and knowledge anew,

    that which mortals know not but a clue.

    For they are Her children, Wiccan and wise

    their Goddess resides in moonlight skies.

    The Woman of nocturna will dance and pray,

    making merry until the first Ray.

    They believe in karma: So they ever mind the law of three,

    in darkest hour, merry they'll be.

    So in your shadowy hour, my dearest

    dance and dance away your Fear.

    And Remember:

    Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.

    So Merry Meet and Merry Part,

    bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

    an listen, work and practice the art.

    And Blessed Be the Wiccan's wise,

    joy and magic be their occult prize.

    So dance, my witches dance,

    before you fall to others trance.