It’s been a while since I was this happy
I’ve finally found people who like me for me
And now I thank the lucky stars above,
For the gift of friendship, the gift of love.
The longest time I was upset
Changing schools, I thought, was my best bet.
I wanted the hopeless war to end
It was not the war of enemies, but that of friends.
The fight had started with something small,
Grew in proportion, killed us all.
Stress burned and hatred ruled,
Friends? we thought, how we were fooled.
We all made up in time for Semi,
And I began to think that I was happy
But what we held there, it was not true
A truce was what it was, and we all knew.
Better, things did not get, and worse they came to be
I found that I was losing touch with the real me.
There was a surrounding shadow, it threatened to engulf;
This depression I’d sunk in to, I’d really had enough.
But quietly it got better, yet still it did not end
Insults passed by softly, hurting others to defend.
Finally it exploded, yelling through the halls,
I did not stay and linger, I’d had it with them all.
A few days later, I heard it all calmed down;
An understanding eventually come to, hatred could finally drown.
Friendships were lost, including a few of my own;
Some I wanted to rebuild, others I wanted left alone.
But for a while I felt left out, an outsider in their world;
I felt like I was pushed away, while new blossoms of friendship unfurled.
Yet slowly and surprisingly, I found, I was let back in;
But friendship wasn’t how it used to be, I could not seem to win.
It no longer felt the same, that easement we had long enjoyed;
When we fought that bitter war, something precious was destroyed
And although right now that peace we have is holding well together,
To once again start a war, well now we know much better.
And yet still I knew something was missing, it was so hard to define;
The feeling that I wasn’t truly happy lay quietly in my mind.
But now the depression was gone; I was better, I was okay…
Yet the little bubbles of loneliness just wouldn’t go away.
The months passed, long behind me, when I finally found
Something just so wonderful, it turned my emptiness around.
It was smiles, it was laughter, it was a feeling that I lacked;
It was joyful light-heartedness, and guess who brought it back.
The new friends that I made, returned my heart to me;
It’s been a while since I laughed so much, so childish and carefree.
As much as I’d like to forget the past, for it to crash and burn;
I must never ever do such a thing…for in forgetting it shall return.
Never Forget
So its a little lengthy, but this poem is pretty personal to me. I was going through a (long) rough patch at school, fighting with friends and such, and wrote this after everything smoothed over. Its about all the bad things that happened and how I found new friends that brought light back in to my life.
In the 4th stanza, line 1, "Semi" means Semi-formal. Just in case you were wondering...
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