• Here I am,
    but where are you,
    at some bar?
    Being stupid?
    While i'm here alone,
    feeding myself
    waiting for you to come home,
    Wasted, or some other crap,
    and you expect me to stay,
    Stay and waste my life
    Looking after you,
    Well what about me mom,
    What about how i feel,
    I'm to young to look
    after a grown women,
    How do you think i feel,
    Seeing you waste your life
    and my time,
    I'm supposed to be at the mall,
    But no, I'm here,
    Waiting in a sea of anguish,
    and torment,
    Where are you,
    Your supposed to be home,
    But your not,
    and i'm screaming out for you.
    Trying to get closer
    only to be pushed away,
    farther and father away,
    i'm reaching,
    Out for you with tears
    I want to make it better
    But then you loose control,
    I'm looking through your stuff,
    For money, coins, Just so i can eat,
    And i find what shouldn't be there,
    Drugs, Mom this is disappointing,
    I want to tell you to stop,
    But you don't listen to me,
    You never did,
    Wasting you time on something that wont come,
    As i see you coming home then crashing,
    I'm worried,
    worried about how my life will turn,
    Watching and seeing this,
    Seeing myself turn into you,
    I don't want to be you mom,
    I want to have a good life,
    But i cant unless you stop,
    staying out all night
    like some hooker,
    are you a hooker,
    is that what you do when your not home,
    sleeping around,
    With some dude you met off the street,
    if you are wheres the money,
    do you spend it on drugs, bear,
    you should be spending it on me,
    Guys coming in the middle of the night,
    Music turned up, door locked.
    Do you think i don't know what your doing,
    I'm not stupid,
    "oh we were just talking" you say,
    I don't believe that
    I don't believe anything anymore,
    you lost my trust,
    you lost my respect,
    and yet you want me to respect you,
    I don't think so,
    You have to earn that respect,
    You should respect me,
    I do everything fore you,
    Even lend you money,
    I shouldn't do that mom,
    I'm not even old enough to work,
    and yet i have more money then you,
    How can that be,
    Well I'm not going to do that,
    not anymore,
    You know why mom,
    Because i am