• heart Broken glass
    As it cuts deeper
    And you start bleeding
    Bleeding a pool of blood
    And it's the worst type of wound
    A wound that's cut so deep
    So hard to heal
    And no one knows how to heal it
    And the more time passes by
    The deeper the cut goes
    And the pain is too much
    And you don't feel like yourself
    Because the broken glass cut to deep
    Until one day
    that one doctor comes by
    Looks deeply in your cut
    Understands your pain
    Takes out his bag
    Takes out his tools
    Takes your hands
    Looks deep in your eyes
    Looks beyond your soul
    Looks at you with full understanding
    And begins healing it
    And time slowly goes by
    Each day more happier than the last
    And you start laughing
    You start smiling
    You start showing more happiness
    And you start showing more love
    And that faithful day
    Broken glass comes back
    Asking for forgiveness
    Asking for you
    But you know
    Deep in your heart
    That he's only back to cut a deeper wound
    And you go running through the doors
    And say yes to the doctor
    And your cut slowly leaves
    Only scars are left
    Only to be covered by something more
    Something amazing
    ..... heart T heart R heart U heart E heart L heart O heart V heart E.......