• You're my uncle
    and now you're my guardian
    You watch me from high above
    you filled my life with lessons and love.

    You showed me right from wrong
    The good in the bad song
    You drove me to follow my dreams
    And follow my heart
    and let no man tear it apart

    You always had something funny to say
    And you always found a way
    You never gave up
    You even gave me my own nickname
    you were my buddy

    But then you got sick
    and pratically live in the hospital
    I watched you endure pain after pain
    from which made me go insane.

    I remember that one day
    I was asleep when my mommy started to weep
    she told me that you were gone,
    that god took you away
    I didnt know what to say

    So I started to cry
    and tell myself it was all a lie
    And that you were okay
    that you were at home to stay
    But I knew that it couldnt be true
    I knew that you were gone

    It was too late to say goodbye
    and I still wish it was a lie
    Like a bad dream that
    you can awake from
    and know its not real
    But this is real, its how i feel

    This is a horrible nightmare
    that I can not awake from
    this is a feeling that will never go away
    It will not disapear some day

    I miss you so much
    I wish you were here
    But I know you're clolse by
    acting as my own personal spy
    to protect me from the future's lie

    I never got to say goodbye
    or tell you that I love you
    but deep down I know you knew
    But I'll say it anyway,
    Uncle George,you taught me everything
    I want you to know that I love you
    Goodbye Uncle George
    I'll miss you!