• Silence in the darkness around,
    The silence almost unbare-able,
    I wished that something would breakt this odd silence,
    Longing and longing still for the silence to be broken,
    Letting time fly carelessly while I waited,

    But nothing came to my rescue,
    Even though my wish hadn't been granted....
    All hope was still there, waiting, waiting, waiting untill,
    The silence was broken with the gentle drumming of some soul's heart,
    It wasn't I, then who was it?
    Not he, she, nor them,
    Gently the heart kept it's pace,

    Holding onto my broken purse,
    Everything makes more sense now,
    All living things do breath if you bother to listen,
    Remember to listen very, very closely,
    The smallest things like ants have a heart too,
    Still the even the slightest silence bothers me greatly......

    Still beating hearts~