We choose
Who we love
And I chose you
I thought you
Were the one
That would bring
Me back to earth
But as time went on
And we got older
I watched as you
Changed from
Gentleman to
Cheater to
Abuser to
Liar and
All I managed to
Say is
I love you
I watched for
Years as you
Went from the
Perfect guy to
One who abuses
Me and cheats
On me
And I finally
Did the right thing
I ended it
You begged me
To come back
You said you'd
Changed but
That night when
I went to your
And walked in
The door
I saw you
And her
On the couch
Making love
I vomitted
You screamed
You pushed her
Away and
Came to me
I stepped back
Then turned
And ran while
You watched naked
From the doorway
As the slut hung
On your arm
I stayed away
From you whever
I could and I
Avoided all our old friends
I sank into a
Back hole filled
With sorrow
And pain
I gave up the
Booze and tried
Crack and then
I tried cutting
Myself and I
Found release
I liked cutting myself
I felt free
And wonderful
And like you
Were still that
Gentleman like
When we first met
I cried over you
I cut over you
Then one day you
Came to me and
Saw me cut myself
You got mad
Said I'd betrayed you
I laughed
Said you'd cheated
On me with all
Those sluts
And whores
You got mad
Tried to grab the blade
I stepped back
Smiled then cut
My neck and
Killed myself
As my blood fell out of my body and I died you cried and blamed yourself. I floated above you until you called the cops then I floated up to heaven and was greeted by my parents.
Now I'm gone forever out of your life and gone forever from the world of the living. Forever I shall live with god and my family and will greet you the day you show up at the gates of hell. I'll laugh then fly back to heaven while I watch you burn in hell from cheating on me and abusing me. Forever I shall be alone and forever you shall punished.
Rose Blackburn
Forever I'm gone
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