• So many letters
    Please make it stop
    Even this is ridiculous..
    Random words
    Can kill someone
    Another letter to type..
    Long words,
    Are bad for you
    Forever it seems to go on...
    Really, I'm sick of this...
    A never ending cycle...
    Great more letters
    I'm going to kill you
    I will kill you....
    So you'd better run
    To some far away place
    I will find you
    Crack your head open with a bat!
    Even you won't get away...
    X marks the spot!
    Please stay still
    Else this will hurt
    Alot I asure you
    Letters, so many
    I'm going to kill you...
    Don't think I won't
    Over and over the words come
    Creeping up on you
    I'm so going to kill you
    Only you...
    Understand this, no long words!!!
    So, did you learn your lesson?