check the noise from the boyz with the toys dat kill,
if ya wantin mad blood ya gots to pay the bill,
my skills get ill from fillin buckets with brains n guts
my right foot be gettin tired from kickin butts
switch left, just as def to bring about death
whats that your saying with your very last breath
oh snap, there goes your neck and your knee,
i'm the last thing you saw and you didn't even see
me really cause i'm fast like a racing car
I'm near, I'm far, then BAM! throwing star
in the forehead, dead is what they just declared you
so quick, didn't even have time to scare you
where you running there is no escape
like a momma lion i pick ya up by the nape
but whoops i accidentally grabbed your spine
prognosis is, oh s**t, your really not fine
your dying for realsis but also for my lyrics
you wish your life was longer just so that you could hear this!
Droppin back like a kraken wakin from a deep nap
slap slap, i'm all over you like google maps
survallin' tailing i know all your moves
i know that it's rough but i'm so damn smoove
like the butt of a baby aint no maybe with me
think i'm a tree slice slice you got blood in your pee
slow down, let me think, i don't think so
slow-mo is a no-go for the way that i flow flow
i'm talking rapid ripping quickly and kicking
get out of the way to avoid blood dripping
on my feash threads i got a whole damn file
of suckers i made dead just by checking my style
pulling in honies like i pull off arms and legs
yank you thank you i know a guy that sells pegs
signing autographs before they even ask
a ninja spinning so fast he be melting the wax
twenty-four sev i be chasin the dream
death without a breath or the thought of a scream
linguistic assassin but also one for real
got rhymes that kill backed up by steel
you no see me U-No-C see you
i stop hearts on the charts just doin what i do
you can live like a ninja or die like a b***h
this song is the decipherer to figure out which
Killing Biz
alright, so this isn't technically mine. but its so awesome i wanted to share it. i got it out of the ninja handbook, of which i am a proud owner :D it's a rap, which i don't like, but the lyrics are fun. so.. ya. here it goes.
the artist is U-No-C
this is a lot different then the depressing stuff i usually do, and is long. sucks to type
and don't give me to much crap for posting it. i know it isn't mine. just wanted to post cause its awesome
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