• Love can be made up of many things...
    Hate, fear, passion, and lies.
    Love is like a dark, mysterious abyss,
    You never know what lies ahead of you once you fall for someone.
    Life can be arbitrary like an eight-ball,
    It can tell you that they're your "true love", or,
    It can tell you, "Never meant to be".
    But! Those damned eight-balls are never the truth.
    Love is nothing close to control!
    When you choose a certain path in your love life,
    It's like love takes it's own way.
    Sometimes it allows you to start well with your lover,
    then gets the two of you to fight.
    And perhaps, choices aren't a part of love.
    As you can see, Love has a way of it's own.
    YOU are the love!
    YOU are the emotion!
    YOU tell yourself, "are they who I want?"
    "Are they the most perfect being in my life?"
    Then, right before your eyes close into an ever-lasting sleep,
    You recite to your lover your last and final words...
    "I Love You."