You'll have to forgive me
I'm use to being alone
I'm not use to soft, warm touches
Not ones you give me
You'll have to forgive me
I'm a bit use to thinking I'm a monster
I'm not use to trying to being such a girl
Not the ones your use to
You'll just have to forgive me
I'm use to people telling me how ugly I am
I'm not use to your playful thoughts
Not the ones you act apon
You'll have to forgive me
The word 'Boyfriend' just doesn't settle well in my month right now
I'm not use to guys handing all over me
Not in the way you do it
And again you'll have to forgive my ability to shy away
I'm so use to people bring me down
I'm not use to your pretty coments
Not in the way you say it
You will just have to forgive the way I look at you sometimes
I'm not use to feeling this way
I'm so scared to move farward
And I'm too determind to step back
I don't think you understand
Just how hard it is for me
I'm not sure how this stuff goes
I feel so mixed up
I'm sorry if I seem a little distant
I'm so use to being bottled up
I'm a little if-y on the things I can tell you
But I really do try
I'm sorry if I don't understand you
Like I said I'm a bit dence
I just can't see what you see
I feel a bit blind around you
I'm sorry if I'm a bit different
It's just how I think
I'm not use to having anyone but my pack to rely on
I feel a bit lost sometimes
I promise I'm doing the best I can
Just give me time
I need to break down these walls slowly
Or I just might break
It's a New World to Me
This is to Rodney... I'm not to sure what he is to me at this moment in time but if he is to dicide I'm nothing to him... I guess that means I wasn't good enough...
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