• He held her close
    and said they were
    meant to be together forever.

    As his hands roamed her
    he whispered words of love
    and her heart leaped.

    But when boundries are pushed
    we tend to see what others do--
    the cold, hard truth.

    As she lay there
    thinking of what she could have done
    to stop him but didn't.

    In that moment, the mist cleared.
    the truth, brutally rearing its head, roars
    and she quakes with fear at what she's done.

    In her temporary sanity,
    she sees that love and lust are not the same.
    They do not necessarily walk hand in hand.

    She, only just a teen, finally sees
    in the midst of the chaos
    what they did was wrong.

    He ignores her,
    walking past silently
    as if nothing happed,
    his arms wrapped around his Girlfriend
    a girl with morals
    who isn't used for a one-night fling.

    She locks herself in the bathroom
    pretending it didn't happen.
    crying out
    "I am but a girl, I'm too young for this."

    Choices made in a cloud of false love
    false promises,
    false kisses,
    false touches,
    are brought into the light
    by that one moment of sanity.