• I was always there for you.
    You always treated me so badly.
    You always made me fall down,
    To the ground.
    I never left your side.
    Yet you always pushed me away.
    I held your hand through all of your hardships.
    But you,
    Just let me fall, and crash at the bottom.
    You never cared about me.
    And i knew that.
    I just wanted you to know,
    Some one cared about you.
    But now,
    Im gone.
    And you wont get me back.
    No longer will,
    I put up with your s**t.
    I will not,
    Go on with your lies.
    I leave you.
    I dont care about you any more.
    Not any more.
    And never again,
    Will i help you.
    I will never feel for you.
    Before i thought we had something.
    I was completely wrong.
    I gave you many chances to be better.
    But you always returned with a worse attitude,
    Insead of being better.
    I dont know,
    Where i went wrong with you.
    You never saw me.
    And now i refuse to see you.
    Just like you refused to see my problems.
    And i dotn feel regret.
    No i dont feel regret about leaving you.
    That was one of my best desisions.
    I could have never gotten where i am today,
    Without you though.
    So for all the lies,
    All the fights,
    All the many bruises that you left,
    They made me a better person.
    So thank you.
    Thank you for showing me,
    That you really are the useless and worthless person every one says you are.
    And i dont have to hide my feelings of you.
    I hate you now.
    So dont come crawling back to me.
    I wont let you back in.
    Not ever again.
    Im not sorry.
    So dont expect an apology.
    I now know,
    Whos good and bad,
    Thanks to you.
    So thank you once again.
    For showing me,
    The difference.
    Thank you.
    Thank you,
    Thank you for scarring me.
    Its taught me a valuable lesson.
    So now,
    I must leave you for good.
    This is my last good bye to you.
    Good bye.