• Inspiration Died Today

    Inspiration died today, and I feel kind of dull,
    I'm getting sleepy, and my head's in a stall.
    Inspiration died today, and left me in a muddle,
    A blank page was before me, and my brain a puddle.

    Inspiration died today, he was hung in a tree,
    Murdered by my last science project,
    About tides in the sea.

    Imagination found him this morning,
    and brought him back inside.
    Imagination called the doctor,

    But Inspiration has already died.

    We burried him in a wooden cascket,
    and offered him flowers in a basket,
    We left him with sincere graces,
    and tears trailing down our faces.

    Inspiration died today, maybe I should mourn,
    there's an empty space, where ideas are usually born.