• kindergartEn through third grade was reaLly fun,
    i got a's and b's but some of the other kids were rEally duMb.
    lake forEst east was where i started my learNing,
    some oTher kids were mAd at the f's they were eaRning.

    mrs.slonacher was mY kindergarten teacher,
    She was the best, she was no Creature.
    sHe taught me hOw to read my first wOrd, cat.
    she did teach me how to write my name, but it was kind of fat.

    first grade was reaLly great,
    there Was hArdly anyone to hate.
    the SLides during recess were always sTeep,
    tHis one kid i rEmember was such a creep.

    mrs. parker published a Book for us,
    it must have bEen hard, but she made no fuss.
    i love muSic, and we had music class!
    it was so much fun, and There was no glass.

    thIrd grade rocked!
    when one kid fell down The staiRs, he was mOcked.
    we had art Class, i'm Kind of good at drawing.
    we also had computer lab, but mice wEre gnawing.

    k through third was really swell.
    too baD i didn't stay well.
    i got sick all the time.
    well, anyways, my brother is covered in slime.

    p.s. the capital letters spell something!

    p.s.s. write what it spells!