• Tossed into the open sea i see myself between two islands
    the waves of the sea is currently guiding me to one island which from afar seems like the best choice.
    form the looks of it the island had many plants, a great selection of animals and what seems to be human inhabitants.

    to any man this would be paradise but i frown upon it
    my gut tells me this is not where i should go
    if i was to go,would i truly be happy when there are several other people there?would i truly stand out.

    so i swam toward the other island
    against the waves and winds
    against the sharks that planned to give me a quick end
    and i had reached the second island the waves became gentle and as i look at the island i realized that not many have ventured this island..was it because of the fear of the waves or the sharks.

    but whatever it was dose not matter to me now
    what matters now is me paving a new path towards happiness
    on this forsakened island