• Since the first time i heard your voice
    i knew you were the one
    there was no question in my mind
    after feeling that much love

    there was something about you,
    that made me feel what i never felt before
    is this love??

    I never thought it possible,
    to care for one so much.
    But every moment that passed
    I wanted your love

    i smiled when we were together
    i though it would last forever
    our laughs
    your smile

    looking into your eyes
    made my day complete
    cause every time i heard you
    my heart skipped a beat

    everything i wished for
    every dream i hope come true
    came crashing down when i hurt you

    im sorry cant you see
    you may not forgive me
    for who knows how long

    but know i still love you
    and i will prove how i feel
    how sorry i am
    im being for real

    i will wait till the end of time
    turn into a statue waiting
    holding your picture
    as i weep

    one day you will see
    what you truelly ment to me

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