Poetry And Lyrics
| Submitted on 04/25/2009 |
“So Susan wrote a letter,
about a guy she totally likes.
Kelly got so drunk,
She like, got into a fight!
The chick was Shawn's girlfriend,
she never had a chance.
She's just a party girl,
Who let's him in her pants.
O-M-G! Like, have you seen?
Shandy has a wig!
She texted Lily, who I-M-ed Will,
who like, went out with the pig.
Well after school, Michelle stalked John,
back to Wendy Brady's.
When she saw them making out,
she crashed into her Mercedes!”
So at the end, what should I learn?
Revenge is too much fun.
Drama is the way of life,
to push, to shove, to shun.
In truth I've only learned one thing,
It's at the bottom of this page.
Pretty much EVERYONE in this FREAKING WORLD,
Needs to GROW UP and ACT their AGE.
Chyenne lets it out
I was sitting in class one day, and I heard these two chicks gossiping about everything.
I must be a reject to society, because I ignore, and refuse to talk about drama. It's boring, and I dont really care.
Anyways, I wrote this poem. I thought It was funny, but truthful in a way.
I hope you guys like it. =]
(Just for all of you who gets offended because of something COINCIDENTAL in here, I just want you to know....
....I don't care, or give a crap about how you feel about it.)
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