• "Gone"

    Someone i love, i always will forever and beyond, is drifting apart from me,
    im not sure why,
    it hurts my heart to say this,
    i hope we get closer again,
    when people criticizing,
    saying let them go,
    its hard enough not to,
    yet my heart breaks,
    i am shattered,
    please come back to me,
    i need you,
    you need me,
    your all i ever wanted,
    in my dreams,
    i dont wanna lose you,
    I've been waiting for you almost forever,
    i want to be with you,
    till the end,
    forever on,
    together close,
    im so confused,
    not knowing what to do,
    no one is helping,
    going against you,
    but ima listen to my heart cause baby,
    i love you

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